The Animal Experimental Ethics Committee
Investigators must obtain Animal Experimental Ethics Committee(AEEC) approval prior to using animals in research or teaching and must adhere to the approved protocol in carrying out their activities. Investigators must comply with all other applicable AEEC, Laboratory Animal Service Centre (LASEC), and university requirements, including, for example, requirements regarding protocol changes, annual report, training, access, and occupational health and safety.
AEEC Applications and Amendments
Please read the Guidelines and Information for Applicants and refer to the details on the AEEC website.
Please find the AEEC application forms here.
Investigators and study personnel have the responsibility to adhere to the study protocol approved by the AEEC. No amendment to any approved study document shall be implemented without the AEEC’s approval, except where necessary to eliminate any immediate hazard to animals or personnel. Amendments may be made at the request of the AEEC or the Attending Veterinarian.
In the event that any amendment or change needs to be made to the approved protocol, the principal investigator shall submit an application for amendment to the AEEC using the AEEC’s specified form. The investigators shall also submit amendment request to the Department of Health to update the Animal License.
Amendment requests may be submitted here.
For any enquiries, please write to [email protected], quoting your AEEC project number, date of request and reference #(if applicable).
Please find the AEEC application forms here.
Investigators and study personnel have the responsibility to adhere to the study protocol approved by the AEEC. No amendment to any approved study document shall be implemented without the AEEC’s approval, except where necessary to eliminate any immediate hazard to animals or personnel. Amendments may be made at the request of the AEEC or the Attending Veterinarian.
In the event that any amendment or change needs to be made to the approved protocol, the principal investigator shall submit an application for amendment to the AEEC using the AEEC’s specified form. The investigators shall also submit amendment request to the Department of Health to update the Animal License.
Amendment requests may be submitted here.
For any enquiries, please write to [email protected], quoting your AEEC project number, date of request and reference #(if applicable).
AEEC Policies and Guidelines
The AEEC has created a clear statement of policy in these areas to help researchers understand what is expected from them and make sure that all researchers are treated equitably. PI may refer to the guidelines when writing their AEEC applications.
The AEEC has distributed the following memo to bring attention to important information regarding to AEEC and CUHK regulations: